AC is my favorite modern convenience! 🥵 I started junk journaling a few years ago. In fact, I'm thinking of starting to make a Klimt Junk Journal...

Three things I'm doing/starting:

1. Gathering goodies for a Klimt Journal (Stencils! Gold ink! Papers!)

2. Learning Human Design, especially in light of my chart

3. Continuing to make ATCs to trade all over the world (maybe Klimt ones, while I'm at it?)

Have a great weekend, Shinjini! 🙏

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May 24Liked by Shinjini

Hello Janet I’d love to see your Klimt journal. I’m working on a piece with a course I’m doing and I’m making it into a fantasy portrait of Emilie Flöge who was a dress designer (I also sew) and the lifelong companion of Klimt.

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How fascinating, Kim! My son sews (mostly bags for our Etsy Shop, although he's making me a shirt). We love looking at designers--so I need to look up Floge! I'm about to make a YouTube video with my Klimt supplies. 😃

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Oh great I’ll try and look out for it. 🙂

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My phone's almost dead, but as soon as I charge it up, I'll go record. 🤭 YouTube.com/JanetBoyer

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Here it is! https://youtu.be/hsBPQOSYIPI?si=bU4rXHSr3o_wKCb2 I mentioned you. 😉

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May 24Liked by Shinjini

That’s great Janet-those papers are sumptuous!

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I KNOW. So mouthwatering! 🤭

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I know, right? Thank goodness for ACs! Your Klimt junk journal sounds really interesting! I’d love to see it!

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YES! I'd melt without our ACs! 🫠

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May 24Liked by Shinjini

1)Sewing - after a few dry months I’ve got my sewjo back and experimenting with different designers and styles.

2) dealing with the death of two friends within a couple of weeks of each other. I’m at the age now where this is going to be a feature of my life more and more

3) carrying on with my art course I signed up for this year.

Thanks for sharing your lovely work and thoughts

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Sewjo! Love this. Must share phrase with my son. (I'm sorry for your double loss. 🙏)

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May 24Liked by Shinjini

Thank you Janet, just the passage of life, the new normal.

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I love sewjo! So glad you’ve got it back. I’d love to see some of your stitching projects. And I’m so sorry for your double loss.

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May 25Liked by Shinjini

Thank you Shinjini x

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It was 28 C here today, so I feel you. I'm holding out a few more weeks before putting in my window units.

1. It's a 3-day weekend here in the US, and I'm looking forward to getting a whole bunch of house admin chores done.

2. I'm almost done with a puzzle.

3. I'm going to try a new French bakery with a friend this weekend and am looking forward to it.

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Oh, 3-day weekends are the best! And the shortened work week feels even sweeter! I love French baking; their deserts and breads are absolutely heavenly!

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Love your book idea❤️it reminded me of hostel days when my book was two chair cushion thrown onto a clay floor in the heat of those summers in south India.a glass of lime soda was my solace of bliss in that heat.grateful to read this

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The nook looks cozy. I am looking forward to your poetry journal. I have always wanted to make a journal with all my favourite quotes. But I am not artistic enough :D So it is just writing the quotes out for me.

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"It harks back to my favorite spot under the window in my childhood home, sandwiched between the cupboards and my study table. I used to spend hours there, knees pulled up to my chin, listening to music and reading." Such a sweet memory! I love that you found a way to recreate a version that works for grown-up you in your current space. (Sometimes the *idea* of an elegant wingback chair is infinitely more practical than the reality of the thing in our actual space. You nest sounds perfect.)

My 3 things:

1. Working my way through 1,000 words of summer (definitely gonna have to go back and make up a few days... but it's generating some decent material)

2. Spending more time outside on the deck in the evenings, before summer humidity fully kicks in

3. getting braver in my writing life, and getting feedback on my poems from trusted mentors + peers for the first time

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Your 3 things sound wonderful — writing, poetry, and spending time outdoors! Bliss!

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